1577. So you want to be a 2^n-aire?


The player starts with a prize of $1 and is asked a sequence of n questions. For each question, he may

·        quit a game and keep his prize.

·        answer the question. If wrong, he quits with nothing. If correct, the prize is doubled, and he continues with the next question.

After the last question, he quits with his prize. The player wants to maximize his expected prize.

Once each question is asked, the player can assess the probability p that he will be able to answer it. For each question, we assume that p is a random variable uniformly distributed over the range t ... 1.


Input. Each line is a separate test case with two numbers: an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 30) and a real t (0 ≤ t ≤ 1). Input is terminated by a line containing two zeroes. This line should not be processed.


Output. For each test case print the player’s expected prize if he plays the best strategy. Output should be rounded to three fractional digits.


Sample input

Sample output

1 0.5

1 0.3

2 0.6

24 0.25

0 0








probability theory


Algorithm analysis

Let f(n, a) be the maximum possible prize if the player is asked n questions and the initial sum is a. If n = 0, then the player is left with the initial sum, that is, f(0, a) = a.

The probability of a correct answer is equal to p, t p ≤ 1. If the player answers the first question correctly, then he has to answer n 1 questions with a prize amount of 2a. With a probability of 1 – p, the wrong answer is given, and the money disappears. That is, the expected amount of winnings after the first answer will be equal to

p * f(n – 1, 2a) + (1 – p) * 0 = p * f(n – 1, 2a)

If this value is greater than the previous sum a, then it is worth answering the question, otherwise the game should be stopped. The expected payoff after answering the question is max(a, p * f(n – 1, 2a)). Since the probability p is uniformly distributed on the interval [t .. 1], then

f(n, a) =

If t = 1, then the probability of giving the correct answer is 1, and in this case, all n questions should be answered, while receiving a payoff of 2n.



Consider the third test case, n = 2, t = 0.6. The initial capital is a = 1.

f(2, 1) = , f(1, 2) =

 , f(0, 4) = 4


Compute the value of f(1, 2) in terms of f(0, 4):

f(1, 2) =  =  =

/ take into account that 4p > 2for 0.6 £ p £ 1 /

 = =

5 * (1 – 0.36) = 5 * 0.64 = 3.2


Compute the value of f(2, 1) in terms of f(1, 2):

f(2, 1) =  =  =

/ take into account that 3.2p > 1 for 0.6 £ p £ 1 /

 = =

4 * (1 – 0.36) = 4 * 0.64 = 2.56


Algorithm realization

The function integral computes the value of the integral

I(a, k) =

for given real numbers a and k. For t = 1, the probability of guessing p is equal to one, the value of the integral I(a, k) is assumed to be equal to max(a, k).

Below is the area whose area is equal to the value of the integral :

Find the intersection point of the lines y = a and y = kp: a = kp, wherefrom p = a/k. Let temp = a / k. Let’s consider the value of integral  as a sum  + . Depending on the position of the point temp relative to the points t and 1, compute the value of the integral I(a, k).

If t £ temp £ 1, then  +  =

a * (tempt) + k * (1 – temp * temp) / 2

If temp £ t, then  +  =  = k * (1 – t * t) / 2.

If temp > 1, then  +  =  = a * (1 – t).


double integral(double a, double k)


  double s = 0, temp = a / k;

  if (t == 1) return max(a,k);

  if (temp > 1) return a * (1 - t);

  if (temp >= t) s = a * (temp - t);

  else temp = t;

  s += k * (1 – temp * temp) / 2;

  return s / (1 - t);



The function f recursively computes f(n, a) = .


double f(int n, int a)


  if (!n) return a;

  double k = f(n-1,2*a);

  return integral(a,k);



The main part of the program. Read the input data and print the value of f(n, 1).


while(scanf("%d %lf",&n,&t),n + t)
